So many of us live a life separated from Spirit, yet this is the connection that allows us to live a guided life. Release the limiting beliefs of separation – all are one energy – and reconnect with your inifinte self for better health, clarity of mind and purpose, and to resculpt your life with new perspective.
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as we share the awareness of Divine Consciousness, exploring and navigating what it means to be ‘one energy’. Over one hundred articles and meditations to strengthen the connection to the Higher Self, heal imbalances and tap into intuition. Articles include regular messages from Source, Ascended Masters, the Angelics, and Galactic energies reminding us of our purpose on Earth at this time. You will find strategies to support the evolution from 3D to the 5D experience, with insights from past, present and future lifetimes in physical and non-physical form, and more.
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A healthy auric field is the buffer we need to maintain physical and emotional well-being. Read on for better understanding, strategies to balance and maintain your auric field.
Align heart and mind to reduce brain busy-ness using this brief meditation and create the space for your inner self to present solutions to your problems.
Mother Earth’s vibration resonates with humans and all creatures on this planet. Her energy offers us healing, calms our energy, and restores energetic balance. Read on to create focus and flow…
When you are committed to your evolution and seek your inner guidance, discover a range of resources in the Love is Divine, E-Book Library. These e-books are the precursors to the home-study modules coming soon. Tried and true, they contain information and techniques built on years of successful practice.
Unlock complete access to the Love is Divine library for the price of a couple of cups of your favorite brew per month.
Essential tips for the energetically sensitive. You’ve got what it takes to manage, protect, and raise your vibration
Learn how to work with your emotions, to understand their purpose and how to unblock trapped emotions.
Any negative pattern on repeat is a sabotage. Understanding imbalances and learning how to move beyond them…